
This site has been created at the start of 2000 to provide historical and genealogical information on our grandparents, George Harvey Brower and Mary Ellen Crapo Brower, and Maitland Dae Bayly and Edna Charlotte Bright Bayly. As with all new sites, we are starting with the basic information we have now and will be adding more information as it is received and verified.

Each of the four grandparents have gedcom files available. We also provide a "master" gedcom file with over 30,000 names, which includes the four grandparents, plus aunts, uncles, cousins and other miscellaneous people. The files are available for downloading. We have tried to limit information about living persons, for their privacy.

The information provided is as accurate as possible. However, we cannot guarantee total accuracy. We accept any additional information and sources that you may have. As we receive new information, histories, photos and gedcom files, we will post them for your use.

Our ultimate goal is to link together all descendants of the immigrant ancestors of our grandparents from the time they arrived in America to the present day. If you have any genealogical information that you would like to share, please send it over. Thanks and enjoy.

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